Pasty - a free paste service Pasty is a minimalistic paste service written in Nim. It is designed for the Nim playground, but can be used by anyone. USAGE SUBMIT To submit a paste, send a POST request to with the paste data in the request body. For example, to paste the file 'log.txt' using curl: curl --data-binary '@log.txt' To directly upload command output, you can use '-' as the filename when piping: ./my_command | curl --data-binary '@-' UPDATE If you wish, you may update a submitted paste by sending a POST request to a specific snippet's URL. To do this, you will need to supply the access key that was shown when first submitting the paste. This access key needs to be provided as the value for the header 'X-Pasty-Access-Key'. For example, to update the paste at '' using curl: curl --data-binary '@file.txt' -H 'X-Pasty-Access-Key: SUPERsecretKEY' Older revisions are stored, and may be viewed by appending the revision's number to the paste's URL. For example, the first submission is always at '', the next one is at '', and so on. DELETE If you wish to delete a paste, you may send a DELETE request to the paste's URL. As with updating, this request requires the correct 'X-Pasty-Access-Key' header value. As an example, to delete a paste with curl: curl -X DELETE -H 'X-Pasty-Access-Key: SUPERsecretKEY' RULES 1. No illegal content or links to illegal content. 2. Don't abuse the service. Submitting individual pastes is fine, but do not integrate this with an application you're building. LINKS Source code: Nim playground: CONTACT If you've determined illegal content on the service or want to get in touch for partnerships, send an email to xx [AT] nns [DOT] ee.